Saturday, October 3, 2009

Guess which girl

Defining moments for each of the girls this week:

At the Toddler Room meeting this week, the teachers played a game where they described each child to see if the parents could guess who they were talking about. Examples: This child is the first one to dance when music comes on. This child is very quiet, but when she's loud, she's very loud. Guess who's description was: This child will eat anything, even things like zucchini--and will get upset if she doesn't get more.

Last spring, Lily received a two-piece swimsuit from her maternal grandparents. Although adorable in pink and green plaid, it was rather skimpy so I immediately classified it as dress-up clothes that would never see the light of day. So naturally when I asked Lily yesterday what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said "Belle! No wait, I want to dress up in that bathing suit you never let me wear to the beach." (Never mind that we live three hours from the beach and haven't seen the ocean since we moved from San Francisco.)

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