Saturday, December 26, 2009

The 12 days of least

Here's an overview of our Christmas week in three parts:

Part I, Christmas Town and Colonial Williamsburg
We spent the first part of the week with Andy's mom and Colin in Williamsburg, Va.

Busch Gardens in Williamsburg creates "Christmas Town" around the holidays. I was worried that it would be lame or cheesy. And maybe it was, but not to Lily. For her, it was completely magical.

Amalia refused to join Lily inside the tree.

They had a Sesame Street Christmas show. This is as close as Amalia got to Elmo -- even though she kept repeating his name. Over, and over, and over.

Imagine Amalia wiggling her hips side to side and clapping. This would be her happy dance. They had real penguins, too, but they didn't merit quite this level of joy.

This swing ride was really lame. Lily's wondering why it isn't going any faster.

The North Pole!

Lily telling Santa that she wanted an Ariel costume for Christmas. I think she wondered why he kept forgetting what she wanted, since she'd already told him about 3 or 4 times in the past week.

This is the only thing in Williamsburg that held any attraction for my 16-month-old. Good thing they kept going around the square. "Look, Amalia," as she's about to have another tantrum, "Horses!"

This is Andy's spooky Ophelia shot of Lily warming up in the bath after Christmas Town.

Part II, Christmas Eve
We drove back up to DC on Christmas Eve.

Here's Lily opening her Christmas Eve dress from Santa, that clever man. Amalia's trying on Kathy's winter cap.
The above photo is Lily on the long walk back from the children's message at Christmas Eve service.

As in many churches, the service alternated between telling the story of the nativity and singing traditional Christmas hymns. The highlight (or lowlight, if you're the mother) was the well-timed screech by Amalia (who was delighting in the echo-y acoustics of the church). Right as they were saying, "And they heard the newborn baby cry," I was standing up to escort my noisy child out. Everyone turned and laughed. As we were leaving the service, the usher asked, "So this is the Christ child?" Yes, indeed.

Part III, Christmas Day
The requisite underwear-in-the-stocking trick.

This pony plays a catchy tune if you press on its ear. It's not at all annoying.

Now Lily can quit wearing her rain boots when she wants to dress up like a cowgirl.

Take a good look. This the last time all of these pieces were all together.

A pounding toy for Amalia? What's Santa thinking???

A fiber optic tutu from Andy's sister. As if Lily needed any encouragement.

My parents flew in Christmas evening. Amalia hammed it up.

Amalia studying Lily as she decorates her magic mirror. Nothing escapes her eagle eye. Note that Lily has her Santa dress back on -- it was about her 15th outfit change of the day.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Hmmm...does that horsey tune go something like this:
"I'm a little pony, a clippety-clop, clippety-clop. Such a pretty pony, a clippety-clop, clippety-clop. I love to have my coat brushed underneath the old oak tree. Let's jump and run, we'll have lots of fun, so come and play with me."

And yes, I did that completely from memory!