Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lights and locomotives

For New Year's, we visited a Christmas lights exhibit at a local park. Here's our little Oompa-Loompa next to a poinsettia (or as my grandma used to say, "ponzetta").

A nice alternative to the drive-thru varieties, this exhibit allowed you to walk in, around, and under all the beautiful lights.
It was a bit late (and cold) for Lily. She pretty much stayed bundled up in the stroller. It made me feel like I was pushing someone around the old folks home, perhaps getting out for some fresh air.

 Amalia is a very willing Cheese!-sayer. 

 But she's not very good at staying put for pictures. 

 The old fogey and the Oompa-Loompa in front of a dolphin. 

 The whole famn damily under a tunnel of lights. 

As an added bonus, the park also had an indoor train exhibit. They're always so entrancing. Like a slow-motion version of NASCAR.

 Look! Lily can walk! It's a miracle! Did I mention the train exhibit was heated?

I also should have mentioned that earlier in the day both girls got haircuts. Lily provided specific direction for hers.

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