Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cruiseapalooza: Monday

Our first full day at sea and the girls hit the ground strumming. Amalia complained that the guitar was too heavy, but I told her to suck it up and play.

Lily's wearing one of her long-awaited tank tops, so all is well. 

The Guster guys hanging out before their Q&A session (where fans could ask them anything). Ryan's  doing double-duty as baby wearer. (Also, rumor has it that a massage took priority for Adam, so he missed the Q&A--something Ed from BNL saw fit to mention in one of their shows a couple of nights later, to much amusement.)

Baby Dash wakes up to help Dad answer a question, "What's your favorite allusion from one of your songs?" Ryan: What's an allusion?

Amalia fell asleep during the Guster Q&A and remained asleep for the entire BNL kids show afterward. The guys played songs from Snacktime, their children's album. 

Kevin Hearn singing Vegetable Town. It's always so good to see him looking healthy (he was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia in 1998 and eventually received a bone marrow transplant from his brother; many years later Kev was gracious enough to sing a few songs at a celebration for cancer survivors at USC's cancer center when my mother was COO there). 

 Jim Creeggan on bass (aka Grandma). 

 Back in the kiddie pool. 

I've no idea what made this pattern in the sky, but it was very cool. It might have shown up better if I'd gotten a new camera as I requested for my birthday, instead of a wooden rolling pin. Not bitter. 

Guster's newest member, Luke, had a show in the Atrium, perhaps the least desirable performance location on the ship. I unfortunately had to leave part way through to tend to my 2-year-old who decided to take off her own diaper in kids camp. Apparently she decided a concert cruise in the middle of the Caribbean was the perfect time to toilet train herself. 

 BNL Show #1. Andy scored us "premium seats" at a Reverb raffle because we'd donated money to offset our carbon footprint. See, helping the earth can be fun!

Ed and Kev. 

 A du wop version of "Sound of Your Voice," with Kev as the lead and the other guys singing back-up. 

OK, I know the sound and video are pretty cruddy (rolling pin), but I thought this finale from the first show would give some sense of what the experience is like.

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