Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living it up

Grandma Carol was in town this week to take care of Lily during spring break. They got to spend lots of quality time together (read: shopping for clothes, baking sweets, and playing around the house). 

My mother also got a dose or two of Amalia. 

 Meanwhile, Grandma Kathy thought it would be a good idea to send Amalia all of Andy's old Legos.

What goes around comes around, I suppose. 

 And then today we went to a friend's birthday party featuring real live ponies. 

They gave me one of their business cards. Not sure how the pony thing would work in our DC house. Guess they could clip-clop up and down Wisconsin Ave.

Oh, and did I neglect to mention the indoor jump house? This kid was only turning 3. The parents have set the bar pretty high for next year. I tend to go with the opposite approach--my girls are grateful if they get cake.

Mrs. Magoo

Who else but Amalia?

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