Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The next generation

Last night, Andy and I took the girls and my cousin Logan, who is visiting D.C. from Ohio, to see Guster at Wolf Trap. I just love that place. It's so beautiful. I used to be a first-aid volunteer there when I was an EMT just to see free shows (mostly treated folks who were drunk, overheated, or both). 

 One thing has changed. They definitely did not used to have a mascot. Meet Wolfie.

 Logan and Lily rocking out on the lawn. 

 Whirling dervish. 

That's Jack's Mannequin way down there on stage. Fantastic band. The lead singer, Andrew, is amazing. 

 Amalia and I did a lot of this. 

 And this. 

 We moved down into the house for Guster's set. (Thank you, Ryan, Cookie, and Ross!) 

 Logan, who has taken drum lessons for 4 years, was pretty much entranced the entire show. 

The upside of being irresponsible parents and taking your young children to a show way past their bedtime is that you get to sit down for much of the concert. Lily fell asleep about two songs into Guster's set. Trying not to miss a thing, Amalia held on for another hour until about 10:30.

Thanks to our backstage passes--thank you again, Ryan, Cookie, and Ross--Logan got to meet Brian and get his sticks signed.

Top this, Library of Congress.  

 Conked out. Thank goodness for the couches. 

 Logan and a crouching Ryan. 
(Ryan was critiquing Andy's picture-taking posture.)

So, I wouldn't generally recommend taking a 3-, 6-, and 12-year-old to a rock concert and keeping them out past midnight on a school night. But it was so worth it. Great band. Great show. Great venue. And I think I did my part to create another Guster fan for life.

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