Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas!

Lots of excitement about Christmas this year. Lily put her PJs on at 2pm yesterday, willing the night (and Santa) to come faster. And Amalia woke us all up this morning, yelling, "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"

 Christmas morning anticipation. 

 Tradition dictates that stockings come first. Full-size Kit Kats!

 A dazzling diva wardrobe--at the top of Lily's wish list this year. 

The Shiny Sisters. 

The girls discovered that their sequins put on quite a show in the sunlight. Like living, breathing disco balls! 

 Wardrobe change #2, of umpteen. 

A chair and table set for the American Girl dolls (Amalia got one this year, too). 

Crayon maker. Thanks, Uncle Charlie!

Band set. Thanks, Uncle Charlie (some sarcasm on the part of the parents).

 Awesome leisure suit from the Rosnacks. (Don't worry, she likes it more than she's letting on.)

 A replacement Santa dress from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Colin! 

  Amalia lining up her new sea creatures. (She's been fascinated with sharks of late.)

 A Matchbox crash course for Amalia. We've all had fun with this one.

Amalia sharing her new kitty cat (and blankie) with Blue. 

 Going old school with a spirograph. 

Less finesse, equal enthusiasm.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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