Thursday, July 4, 2013

DC to CA: Day 8--Winnemucca, NV

 The Bonneville Salt Flats, just outside of SLC.
 It was pretty bright out there. 
 Lily: "My dream has finally come true! It's snowy AND it's warm!" 
 Given the triple digit temperatures, we hit the pool as soon as we pulled into Winnemucca. 

"Whip My Hair"

Just as we thought there would be nothing else to do in Winnemucca, it turns out that the Silver State International Rodeo was in town. 

Amalia loved it, and as we were leaving asked me to sign her up for a class where she could learn to wash and take care of horses.
Lily, on the other hand, was very concerned about the welfare of the animals and didn't enjoy the rodeo much at all. Though that didn't stop her from asking when she was going to get a horse when we were leaving.

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