Saturday, October 4, 2014


There's nothing like having your children reach the age of making food you actually want to eat (or in the case of this morning's eggs, food that someone might like to eat--not me, of course).
This week her class had to give "how to" presentations. Lily's was on how to do archery. Check it out here: It was very well received. The next time you see her, you can ask her to give you her speech.
 Anyway, Lily was inspired to make Sparling Eggs by her classmate Miles Sparling's presentation.
I think they turned out a lot better than her independent attempt at pickling apples, for which she used vinegar, black peppercorns, and bay leaves. No one has been brave enough to taste these yet.
 Sparling Eggs are a scramble with shredded cheese and tomatoes.

The final verdict was that it looked good but the tomatoes made Lily gag--and Amalia wouldn't even touch them.
Still, I'm pretty sure this won't be the last of Lily's culinary efforts.

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