Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ah, the smell of chlorine

Week 2 of swim lessons and we're in the groove. The swim teacher now calls Lily by her correct name (last week she was "Nellie"), and I now know where the door to the pool is. (I think I tried to go through the janitor's closet last week.)

Sorry the pictures are so far away -- parents are relegated to an upstairs viewing area so the kids can't hear our competitive cursing.

Waiting for our turn. Lily's the one in the pink "surfer girl" outfit.

Getting their feet wet. The girl in the middle -- in the blue suit -- got skittish and left the lesson before getting in the water. Who knows what goes on at poolside -- maybe Lily pinched her.

I think that's how my grandma used to swim so she didn't get her hair wet.

Amalia in the parental viewing area, mischievous as ever.

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