Sunday, November 8, 2009

At random

Nothing really holds this blog entry together, so just dive in...

Lily has taken to coloring with Sharpies. Yes, this puts our household items at risk, but we figure it's worth the potential payoff of getting her comfortable with the implement of choice for celebrity autograph signings. (We've even indulged her and purchased pens in colors other than black and red.)

New purple headband courtesy of one of Andy's co-workers. As if she needs encouraging.

Lily anecdote from this morning: We asked her if she wanted grape jam on her English muffin. She said, "Well, what if it's a French muffin?" Andy thought that would be a croissant.

This is what you get when you tell Amalia to smile. Our delicate flower, she is not.

Guess what this pile of leaves looked like after Amalia was through.

I'm not sure where she gets it, but Amalia often walks around in the pose of a contemplative Japanese man.

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