Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Heard around the house

The other day I got exasperated with Amalia's trouble-making toddler antics and blurted out, "Amalia, I just don't know what I'm going to do with you." To which Lily thoughtfully replied, "Well, we definitely have to keep her..." So I guess that option's off the table.

Last weekend we got a couple of used winter coats for Lily off of our neighborhood list serv. I mentioned to her that I could use a new coat, as well. Lily helpfully responded, "Well, tonight what you need to do is ask Santa for a puffy, purple coat like mine. 'Cause he sews things, too. Well, actually his elves sew things because Santa's too old."

She did not specify the issue with sewing and being old. Perhaps lost dexterity.

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