Friday, July 2, 2010

True to herself

What I really want to do is post pictures and stories about our recent trip to see Andy's family in Northern California, but our Internet connection at home seems to be broken, so that will have to wait.

For now, I will post a few anecdotes about what seems to be Lily's strong sense of self (i.e., she likes what she likes).

  1. Today was "Red, White & Blue Day" at summer camp where all the kids were supposed to dress in patriotic colors for their Fourth of July party. But because those colors aren't "cute," Lily stuck with her traditional pastel wardrobe.
  2. Lily has started to teach herself to write in cursive because it's prettier.
  3. Lily's summer camp when on a field trip to Mt. Vernon this week. When I asked her how it was, she immediately replied, "Guess what color popsicle I got!" (The answer is blue. Apparently she also did pick up that it was the home of George Washington and that his teeth were "very dirty.")

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