Thursday, October 13, 2011


Because this is a family blog, the subject line stands for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy of course. Not sure how many visitors I may get through Google searches this week...

Anyway, here is Amalia in the waiting room yesterday at 6:00 a.m. before getting her tonsils out at Children's.

 Obviously this is another "before" shot. 

Post-op. Finally falling asleep in my arms after about 45 minutes of disoriented crying and moaning in recovery. Still feeling the combined effects of anesthesia, morphine, and having body parts removed. 

Trying the much-ballyhooed popsicle. She actually wasn't much of a fan, opting instead for apple sauce and apple juice most of the day. 

We ended up having to spend the night because she hadn't had enough to drink and they were concerned about dehydration. It was a bit of a rough night, as one might expect. She couldn't even muster up a smile this morning when we were told we could go home.

Couch potato. Though as I write this it's now evening and she seems to be doing much better. So much so in fact that when the hospital nurse just called to check on her, I had to excuse myself for a moment while I yelled at Amalia to quit running up and down the hallway. Can't keep this girl down for long.

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