Monday, July 16, 2012

Cause and effect

When you have a water balloon this size coming through your roof, bad things are bound to happen. 

The blue thing is a tarp that was supposed to cover our roof, which was getting some pre-solar panel work done. As our contractor said after the freak thunderstorm last Tuesday night, "the tarp failed." I'll say. This picture was looking from Amalia's room toward the back of the house. At this point the tarp was drooping to about shoulder level. It eventually sank down to about a foot off the floor, with rain coming directly into the house, before the contractors were able to come and start siphoning it out and resecuring it. 

This is the same room a few days later (in post-traumatic shock, I was in no frame of mind for picture-taking immediately after what I now like to call "the flood.") Complete with blowers and dehumidifiers to dry out (and heat up) our house. 

The kitchen is directly below that room. 

More machines to create Sahara-like conditions. All surfaces became hot to the touch. Packing the girls' lunches became quite an exercise in speed and reflexes. 

The candy thermometer in our kitchen charted us at about 113 degrees. 

The 99 reading outside our bedroom is misleading since the upstairs thermostat only goes up to double digits. Note that the 95 temp outside was cooler than inside our house.  

Yesterday, with the most blessed addition of a window A/C unit from our contractor, we sought refuge in our basement (after an afternoon at IKEA to take advantage of their A/C--and the free hour of childcare). 

Today I am happy to report that when I got home from work, all the blowers and tarps had departed. I am so happy to be able to walk through my house in barefeet and without breaking an instant sweat. It's the little things. At least we have power. 

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