Sunday, November 3, 2013

Supply chain

Amalia's class is learning about Native Americans and will be having a trading day in a few weeks to learn about bartering. Everything must be natural--nothing plastic or metal. Amalia engaged Lily (and me) in the production of God's Eyes. She's also planning to take in some of her less-favorite rocks from her collection. I'm trying to convince her to trade some of the limes from our yard. (Seriously, who can eat so many limes?)
Amalia also thought her friends would like a "spooky Thanksgiving story" to trade, so she had Lily write one. Text is below:

Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a turkey. But it wasn't any ordinary turkey. It was a creepy one.

Chapter 2
One day, the Creepy Turkey took a walk. It saw a girl and it scared the girl. The Creepy Turkey never got caught! The next day a boy tried to catch him but he bit the boy!

Chapter 3
On Thanksgiving, the Creepy Turkey risked his life. Everybody tried to kill and eat him. One day, the boy's parents got mad and killed the Creepy Turkey!

Chapter 4
After they killed him, they had a Thanksgiving party and they ate the Creepy Turkey. They were so happy they finally got rid of the Creepy Turkey!

The End

(P.S. And he was delicious!)

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