Friday, March 28, 2014

Sunrise, sunset

I just sent Andy and the girls off to their first father/daughter dance. Sniff, sniff.
But before they could go, we had to uphold the Freeman tradition of posing in front of rosebushes.
The girls were freshly bathed and dressed. Not really to the preening stage yet, thank goodness.
I just wanted Lily's hair to dry before she walked in the chilly air to the dance.
Wouldn't want her to catch cold, after all. ;-)
Waiting for Daddy to come home gave us time to pick dandelions.
And try on alternate wraps.

I'm not sure if she's scowling because she wanted to leave for the dance or because I was taking a picture.
Not to sidetrack us, here, but did I mention that we met Moo Cow's owners this week? A lovely mom and 4th-grade girl that live a block over. They call him "Meow, Meow" and they don't mind at all that we're sharing his company. They sometimes come by to visit him in our front yard. He apparently goes between our houses pretty regularly. I speculated that he might have still others. A cat of many secrets, that one.
Back to eating chewy Jolly Ranchers to pass the time.
More rosebush pictures!
She settled on the black shawl and the purse she got at Mt. Rushmore.
What happens when you tell Amalia to pose.
Can you tell she has candy in her cheeks?
Ah, the missing link!
Andy came home just in time for a few pictures before heading out.
As I'm typing this I'm realizing I probably should have sent the camera with Andy to capture the actual dance. Oh, well. I'm sure there will be stories. I have so many questions. Like, do the daddies and daughters really dance together or do all the girls huddle in a corner while the dads hang out and drink beer?

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