Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring training

Amalia's kindergarten class had "Baseball Day" on Friday. For weeks we heard about what position she was going to play--from the announcer to the guy who sweeps home plate. My favorite was when she told me that it was fun to play in the "wayback," because the ball never goes there and you can  just sit down and have fun. 
The lineup announcement had a few pauses for disciplinary action. Baseball players can be so unruly.
Amalia ended up playing third base. I was going to have her listen to the whole Abbott & Costello routine, but figured I can save that for when she's older. 

These kids know the national anthem better than some I've seen. I'm sorry I didn't catch any of the actual game on my phone. But needless to say everyone was a winner and we all got to celebrate afterward with popcorn and cupcakes. 

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