Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pasta, pasta

The girls were lucky enough to score two birthday parties last weekend. The first was at Cucina Bambini, where they learned how to cook fresh pasta.

Decorating the chef hats, which pretty much no one wore.

 Making the dough.

 Using the machine to make the noodles.

 Getting teary-eyed chopping onions for the sauce.
 Cupcakes and pasta!

 Party #2 back at the house with more family and friends. 
And more pasta. By request, Amalia and I had made two pans of lasagna the night before. (Thank you, Aunt Novella, for the recipe!)
 Opening gifts with Joaquim and Ian.
 Minecraft creatures.
Amalia and Grandpa resting their eyelids after a long day.

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