Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nationals debut

 This weekend, we took Lily back to Tulare to compete in the national indoor championships.
She was a bit nervous, but held her own. Check out all the parents with their high-powered binoculars to track their kids' every shot. Meanwhile, Andy and I were asking each other, "Which end is this? How many more to go?"
Unlike last month when she was separated with the rest of the kids, this time Lily was in the main building with everyone else. 
On the first day, she started off a bit rough, but she finished well. 
In fact, she ended up with about 100 points more than she had the month prior after the first day of competition. A remarkable improvement.  
Meanwhile, Amalia, not to be tortured with tedious archery viewing, spent the day with my Aunt Barbara and Greg making sugar cookies, complete with bright pink frosting and sprinkles. 
 After we got back from the shoot, Amalia relaxed with some homework on the iPad with Andy.
 And Lily helped set the table for dinner. 
Lily didn't have quite as good a day on her second day of shooting (Sunday), but she still ended up with a score about 100 points higher than the same shoot last month. Above shows Amalia waiting (in the rain) for Lily and Andy to return from the shoot so we could all go to Bravo Farms together.
I didn't repeat the photos from when Lily went last time, but rest assured Amalia saw everything Lily had told her about, plus some. Above, Lily is in one of the play houses they have for sale.
 Lily: "So this is how they used to do it?"
 This place does not suffer from a shortage of signs. 
 Checking out the mini-gas station. 
Lily: "So, what's the happiest place on earth?" (Amy, clearly we have failed in our Disneyland indoctrination.)
 The gorgeous sunset in Los Banos on our drive back to San Jose this evening. 
Made lovelier with the addition of Lily. 

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