Monday, June 29, 2015

Going for the gold

Last Saturday, Amalia was promoted, in a Gold Medal Graduation Ceremony, to the next level in her gymnastics program.

 First, the kids got a presentation from an actual Olympian. Karen Kurreck. She used to be a gymnast, but then switched to cycling at age 30. She competed in cycling in the 2000 Olympics. Above she is holding up her World Champion cycling jersey.

Before the medal ceremony, each of the girls had to perform their routines in four events. Clearly Amalia is very nervous. 
 She was first up on the balance beam, so I wasn't ready with the video yet. 

But I was ready for the floor routine.
And the "vault."
Finally, the bars. 
 Getting her medal from an actual Olympian. Pretty cool.  
Posing on the podium. 
 All of the graduates. 
And their coaches. 
Were it not for the fact that Nadia Comaneci was tall at 5'4", Mary Lou Retton was only 4'9", and Olga Korbut, 5'0", I'd totally say that Amalia has a future in gymnastics. However, given her genes, and the sport's tragic prejudice against tall girls, I'd say Amalia is enjoying the heck out of gymnastics right now and will likely find another love (use for her height and coordination) down the road. 

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