Monday, January 4, 2010

Old toy trains, little toy tracks

When my parents were in town over the holidays, we went to the U.S. Botanic Garden to check out "Holiday Magic," a mash-up of model trains and plant-based sculptures.

Amalia's daycare is within walking distance of the Mall, so the exhibit was old news to her. She slept through our entire visit. Well, that's not exactly true -- she woke up and wanted to get out of the stroller when we were in the desert/cactus portion of the Botanic Gardens. Yes, Little-Miss-Touch-Everything has impeccable timing.

Here's a caterpillar train winding its way through a Poinsettia forest.

Imagine my surprise when Lily pointed out the princess castle.

Much like the Rose Parade floats, all of the sculptures were made out of plant-based, natural materials. The White House diorama was updated with the Obama girls' play set.

Who cares about The White House when there are castles to gaze at?

You know how sometimes when kids try to smile for pictures, it ends up looking like a monkey baring its teeth?

Legally Blonde: The Prequel

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