Sunday, August 1, 2010

It happened one Sunday

I'm going to start with two short snippets before we get to today's pictures. Heard earlier today:

(at Gabe's party -- pictures below)
Me: Amalia, walk faster. We need to catch up with Lily.
Amalia: Ketchup! I like ketchup!

(coming home, walking in the door)
Lily: Amalia, I'm going to miss you when I go to college.

OK, so we just got back from a birthday party for Lily's buddy Gabe. But before we did that, I took the girls to get their hairs cut (Amalia for the first time).

Lily, before.

Amalia, before.

Amalia, during.

Both girls, after.

Gabe's party; water balloon toss.

Lily getting eaten by mosquitoes.

Amalia thrilled with her new do.


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