Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A decent docent

Three things I learned from Lily after her field trip to the White House today:
  1. A piano once fell through the ceiling. True story.
  2. The President's dog, Bo, wears a collar and a leash but Barack Obama doesn't hold onto the leash when he walks down the halls -- and Bo still follows him! (Lily got all of this from a photo she saw.)
  3. The Blue Room is white. So is the dining room.
I also got a convoluted story that started with Lily informing me that there was once a big war and the White House caught on fire, but devolved into a giggly retelling of how her friend Gabe said that instead of horses, men were riding around on unicorns that kept crashing into the White House.

I didn't set foot inside the White House until I was 28 and I don't recall such fascinating insights.

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