Saturday, November 20, 2010

Making conversation

I'm not sure how well these will translate on the blog, but I wanted to capture them anyway. Andy and I continue to be amazed by Amalia's growing ability to carry on a conversation. I'm sure we felt the same way about Lily, but this doesn't diminish our amazement at all.

Last night on the drive home, I was idly making conversation with Amalia and commented that it was getting dark. 
  • Amalia: No. It's not getting dark.
  • Me: Yes, see? The sun's going down.
  • Amalia: No. Not getting dark. The sky's still blue. 
 And she was right. The sky was still blue--just darker. But no matter.

Earlier this week, also on the drive home, there was some promo on the radio about what shows were on Fox that night. As the female voice prattled on about Bones and Fringe, Amalia all of a sudden piped up and said, "What lady saying?...She talking about my bow?"

Not to mention Amalia's newfound favorite device, "Why?" (which I have mixed feelings about). 

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