Monday, March 21, 2011

Lilies and leprechauns

Not to be outdone, Andy built a beautiful planter box in our front parking strip. An engineer at heart, Andy even found a way to involve thick wooden railroad ties and steel rebar.  
For some reason, the girls thought the sunny weather called for bathing suits, despite the 55-degree temperature outside. Lily is aching for summer.

Lily. Flower.

Posing for these pictures was about as involved as the girls got in planting the flowers. Instead they decided to fill the empty trays with clumps of crabgrass and dandelions to deliver to our neighbors, leaving the "gifts" on front porches up and down the street. 
I don't really have a transition here, except this is how the day started off. Lily is very much still in the St. Patrick's Day spirit and decided to dress Amalia up like a leprechaun.

And, according to Lily, this is what a girl leprechaun looks like. Yes, I let them both go out to eat Sunday breakfast at a restaurant dressed like this. I'm that mom. Choose your battles.

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