Monday, March 7, 2011

Rainy day theater

Our soggy Sunday called for an impromptu performance by the Pierce Family Players. The play of choice was Cinderella. The cast: 

Lily as Cinderella. 

Amalia as the fairy godmother. 

Andy as the handsome prince. (I'm not sure why he's wearing a beach hat or his pea coat is tucked into his sweatpants. Poor Cinderella may want to reconsider. Oh, and I was the wicked stepmother, of course.)

As the story begins, Cinderella is scrubbing the floors. 

But with the help of her fairy godmother, she is able to get ready for the ball. 

Where she meets the handsome prince and dances the night away. 

The next day, the prince looks everywhere for his princess. 

He tries the shoe on every maiden in the kingdom. 

After being reunited with her prince, Cinderella celebrates by eating some green eggs (inspired by Dr. Seuss' birthday this week). Fin!

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