Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Family resemblance

Last weekend we drove to Ohio to attend the biannual Wallace Family Reunion, which was actually held in West Virginia. 

Andy quickly peeled off from the relatives to take Lily mini-golfing. 

Then we paddled around the pond for a bit. 

I convinced Amalia not to jump in only by telling her that she wouldn't want to get stuck in the muck.

Andy decided to chase this duck around for a while. 

Amalia sporting her new Tarzan suit, courtesy of Grandma Carol. 

Back in Shadyside; showing off her newly acquired hula hooping skills. 

On Sunday we went to the Children's Museum of the Ohio Valley, also, ironically, in West Virginia. 

When we looked at the website the day before to see what there was to do at the museum, they listed "Stand in a Bubble." To which Little Miss Hyperbole replied, "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to do that! And this is my chance!"

Amalia, too, got to live the dream. 

This is why we didn't let Lily change Amalia's diapers when she was a baby.

Administering antibiotics to Simba. Can you tell she's had a few ear infections?

Spinny rides!


The Mad Hatter

Pussycat Doll?


Brick by brick. 

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