Saturday, August 13, 2011

Of candles and cathedrals

Lily finally turned 6 on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I was at a conference in Atlanta much of the week, but here are some images captured for posterity. 

I swear I don't know how there's so much girliness in my house, but I think this is a really cute picture of the girls.

For her birthday treat, Lily got to have her friend Sophie sleep over for the first time. Plus, apparently Sophie gave Lily the Zhu Zhu pets I denied her at Christmas.

Lily also got a suitcase full of American Girl clothes that Grandpa Colin outbid some poor grandma for at their church auction.

Later in the week, Lily's cousin Logan (and his parents) arrived from Ohio to take in the D.C. sights. First stop, National Cathedral (mostly because it's really close to our house).

 Amalia was very fond of this child statue. 

 Perhaps a little too fond. 

 Who knows where this relationship would have gone if Andy hadn't put a stop to it.

Amalia the docent.

After the cathedral, we headed down the street to check out the farmers' market and the Sauca food truck. Muy delicioso.

In the front yard with Logan. 

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