Saturday, August 27, 2011

A week of firsts

First grader at last. 

The throngs of teary-eyed parents. (I missed it due to a work trip in Atlanta the first half of the week. So I also missed the earthquake and evacuations on Day Two of school. And with Hurricane Irene expected later today, this has been quite a week.)

The woman holding the flowers is Ms. Stevenson, Lily's first grade teacher. Rumor has it that she doesn't believe in homework--as if it's like Santa Claus or something. Oh, and Lily informed me today that hers is Ms. Stevenson's 31st first grade class. Impressive indeed.

Lily and best bud Sophie. They're in separate classes this year, but I'm guessing that will only make their relationship stronger. Like how it's advisable for spouses not to work together. 

OK, so this picture helped solve a mystery for me. When I got back from Atlanta this week, Lily was in a serious water-drinking mode, apparently based on the belief that it would help her hair grow faster (a claim put forth by her friend Tehya). Now I believe I understand the motivation. That's Tehya's hair Lily is lovingly stroking above. 

Now time to batten down the hatches for Irene's arrival. 

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