Thursday, April 23, 2015

Going global

Last weekend, Lily participated in (and won her cub category) at the International Bowhunting Organization West Coast Traditional Championship. This was an outdoor trail target shoot, one arrow per target. She was the only cub to participate, but as Andy says, she beat most of the adults and was quite a celebrity with the other archers by the end of the weekend.
Even more exciting, she just found out that she won the International Field Archery Association World Indoor Archery Mail Match. This was a worldwide postal competition where she had to send in her best score each month in January, February, and March, shooting 12 ends of 5 arrows at 20 yards. She beat four other female cub barebow (recurve) archers from Brazil, Ireland, Australia, and England--perhaps laying the rivalry groundwork early for future Olympic competitions. :-)

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