Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pre-K does Mother's Day

The Pre-K classes at Lily's school put on a Mother's Day program yesterday. In the middle of the workday--very convenient. I'm glad I was able to be there, though; I saw what happens when a mom doesn't show up. It isn't pretty.

Lily's buddy Gabe.

The funny thing is, this about the third time they tried to start this song, which is supposed to be sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O, but with the word, "Mommy." I think the teacher was getting exasperated.

Lily's first speaking role! If you listen very carefully, you can hear her say, "Thank you for coming to our Mother's Day program." You may just have to trust me on this one.

In addition to avoiding costly therapy for my daughter, I walked away with loads of mom's day loot (bead necklace with a locket that has a picture of Lily, painted flower pot, card, and the requisite hand prints in paint).

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