Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hello muddah

As if to prove she's not my carbon copy, Lily spontaneously requested to go to a sleepaway camp this summer. Our DC neighbors had gone to one last year and she really liked the sound of it. Plus, I think she's looking forward to a week away from her sister.

The camp is in the nearby Santa Cruz mountains and is a few weeks away. Yesterday, Lily received a form asking her to write a letter about what she's looking forward to at camp, which they will copy and distribute to other campers going into her same grade. Presumably she'll get some letters, too. A pretty nice idea when you're going into it without knowing anyone.

Below is a transcript of the letter she wrote (note the formal touch):

"Hi, my name is Lilith and I am 8 years old. I am really excited to go to Camp Kennolyn. I love horses and I know how to do archery. My mom says that I'm really good at picking out cute outfits so I'm also excited to do Fashion Designs."

I hope she finds a kindred spirit.

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