Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ear ye! Ear yikes!

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013, Heather took the first meaningful step (of three) toward having "normal" hearing for the first time in her life. Instead of treating the symptoms of poor hearing, her new ENT discovered the cause of her hearing loss and is aggressively addressing it. Hopefully, within the next two years, Heather's hearing will be better than ever - literally.

Here are some pictures from days 1 & 2, to help anyone who has been imagining any gruesome images: 

  No, that is not a blue "YES" tattoo under her left ear, although I told her she looked hot.

 At home 90 minutes or so after the 3-hour operation. She was the last one at the surgery center, which had locked its doors hours beforehand. I suspect her departure was rushed a little more than one typically experiences, so the staff could go home. She really could have used another hour to stabilize the pain and nausea.

The ice pack was to prevent nausea. As were the open windows, moon roof & air conditioning in the car on the way home that night, and the open windows in our bedroom and bathroom upstairs since. Even I was cold. Maybe they wanted to distract her from all the other pain she was experiencing, since Heather really does not like being cold. And the advice to not eat or drink anything after midnight the previous night was very wise advice, indeed.

Day 2: Self Portrait - Van Gogh-style

Two more to go. At least this one is now behind her.

Thank you to all the well-wishers out there and for the flowers, fruit and help at home.

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