Friday, October 18, 2013

Spooky creatures

We seem to be the adopted owners of a black cat. He has any number of names. His tag says Spock Paws, but we call him Moo Cow because that's what we called him before we read his tag.
Apparently he lives nearby, but his real owners recently bought a dog and now Moo Cow refuses to go home. The girls started feeding him so of course he regularly shows up each morning and evening meowing on our porch. He's also a good birder--and squirreler--having already killed and eaten two of each in our yard. He is and will remain an outside cat, despite Lily's predictions to the contrary.
She's not spooky, but here's a picture of Amalia filling out her trick or treat scavenger hunt at Gilroy Gardens last weekend. What you can't see is the sign next to her that indicates she's sitting in front of an Amalia rosebush.
The petting zoo brought out spooky animals--snakes, tarantulas, bearded dragons, hissing cockroaches. The girls pretty much just hung out with their favorite chickens.
But I hung out for a while with FeeFee.

And to top it all off, here's Amalia "reading" to me from the spider book she made in kindergarten.

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