Friday, September 5, 2014

Trading places

Conversations tonight at dinner:
Lily: Mom, do you remember that software program we used to do in second grade, First in Math?
Me: Yes.
Lily: I used to log in to my friends' accounts to help them.
Me: You mean, like cheating?
Lily: No...well, maybe. But that was a long time ago! 

And a bit later...
Lily: There was a boy who had like 10,000 points. I'm pretty sure he hacked into it.
Me: Really, why do you think so?
Lily: Well, he had thousands of points. Plus, I Googled how to hack into First in Math.
Me (one eyebrow raised): Really?
Lily: Yeah. And he must have been using Chrome because you have to have Chrome to hack into it. 

Amalia was very excited about getting her first homework packet today:
Amalia: When we get home, can I please, please, please do my homework tonight? [It's Friday.]
Me: You can do one page but you don't need to do the whole packet tonight. You have all week.
Amalia: But I really want to! 

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