Thursday, February 17, 2011

Endless conversation

Quick break in the Cruiseapalooza chronicling to report on today's ride home with Amalia:

Amalia: I need to do Dora's house.

Me: You need to do Dora's house?

Amalia: Yes, I need to do Dora's house.

Me: What do you need to do?

Amalia: I need to work.

Me: What do you need in order to work?

Amalia: I need stuff.

Me: What kind of stuff?

Amalia: Some things.

Seriously, the conversation could have gone on forever without any resolution. And then, a little while later:

Amalia: Are we going on the boat?

Me: No, we already went on the boat.

Amalia: Oh man! I want to go on the boat again.

Me: Me, too, Amalia. Me, too.

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