Monday, February 8, 2010

TDY Day 10: Shelter from the storm (aka insane asylum)

My bum was sore from sledding yesterday, so we spent most of today in the house. Here are a few pics of how we spent our time. Please note that I did not take any pictures of all the card and board games Lily and I played (and by all of them, I mean every single one that we own). Use your imagination.

Lily showing off her Play-Doh bird. Amalia cheesing it up in the background. (As I said, we didn't leave the house today, but Amalia insisted on wearing her bear jacket most of the morning.)

Lily stacks 'em up. Amalia knocks 'em down.

For much of the day, Lily kept talking about wanting to have a "clothes party." I didn't know what that meant, but apparently you dress up and march around making music. (Yes, even I put on a dress.)

School and daycare are both closed again tomorrow, since we're expecting another 10-12" of snow to start around noon. We'll see what kinds of creative activities we come up with. As the Smothers Brothers say, "Necessity is the mother of invention." (Or, I guess it was Aesop, but I really liked their version.)

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