Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TDY Day 11: Shelter in place

Tomorrow will be three straight days of school and government closures, meaning lots of quality time (sigh) with the girls. Another storm is hitting as we speak. It's supposed to bring 18 more inches of snow by tomorrow night. Good grief.

Also, the icicle formations on our house continue to be impressive. See how the lantern fixture has grown:
I would take a picture of the massive icicle dangling from our roof, but I'm afraid I might get impaled, and then what would the girls do? Pretty soon the ones over our back door will reach the ground and form a sort of Wonder Twin Zan jail.

Fortunately, the girls continue to stay in good spirits. (And why not? No school!) Here they are staying warm and dry in an igloo fort. I have the snow but not the skills to build a real one.

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