Friday, February 19, 2010

TDY Day 21: To each her own

Well, it was a lovely week with my mother in town. Now it's back to a few more days of girl time until Andy's parents arrive next Friday.

Amalia bundling up indoors with her mittens and my mother's headband.

Lily calls these her Spidergirl glasses. They're from yesterday's Pre-K Valentine's Day/Mardi Gras party. (Pay no attention to the piles of recyclables overflowing in the background -- there's still too much snow in our alley for trash pick-up. Maybe next week.)

And finally, overheard this evening just after Amalia got hold of Lily's Go Fish card game, ripping the box and the instructions and spewing cards all over the dining room:

"You're too much, Amalia. I still love you, but you're really too much."

I wonder where Lily gets such language.

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